Thursday, July 28, 2011

Country Commerce

Country Commerce

The rural ways of the entrepreneur can be quite basic and driven by necessity. When I drive by signs such as this one I try and imagine who is this business person. Not only what is it they are selling but who are they? Why here? Why are they here, down this country road and what is it that keeps them here?

This particular sign on a bend in the road in Meigs County has grown since early spring. Cookies have recently been added to the inventory as well as business hours. I suppose they had folks stopping by at all times trying to purchase goods. One knows that although a buying customer is a good customer a browsing customer can waste allot of one's time.

Perhaps because I too sell, that I can relate to an enterprising soul. The growth of this sign assures me that this grower, baker, chicken handler is destined to prosper. I wonder if pumpkins will be added come October? I'll keep you posted!